Bulk Membership Program

Designed for Organizations.

Built to Save.

SOMSA’s Bulk Membership Program helps organizations save time and money by offering discounted group memberships for six or more members. Whether through bulk imports or coupon codes, this program streamlines the enrollment process while providing dedicated support.

Bulk Membership Program Guidelines

  1. Organization Point of Contact (OPOC):
  • The organization must designate one OPOC for administrative questions.
  • SOMSA will direct inquiries from organization employees to the OPOC.
  1. Eligibility: Organizations with six (6) or more individuals applying for SOMSA membership qualify for bulk membership.
  2. Discount: Each membership will be discounted by 10%, and discount applies to the current membership rate for each eligible membership level. Review membership dues here.
  3. Renewal: Memberships are renewed manually. For auto-renewals or prepayment of multiple years, contact Linden to discuss available options.
  4. Payment Terms: Payment is required before coupons will be issued or members imported. Installment terms are available; contact SOMSA Executive Director for options.
  5. Refund Policy: Membership dues are non-refundable, even in the case of unused or misused membership codes or registrations.
  6. Transferability: Memberships may be transferred within the organization if the original member leaves the organization. Should a member be promoted within the practice and a membership level change is warranted, the organization may pay the difference between current level and new level, minus the 10% discount.
  7. Membership Term: The purchase covers the membership year specified on the invoice.
  8. Privacy: Review SOMSA’s privacy police here.

Handling Your Bulk Memberships:
Choose What Works Best

Bulk Import Details

Data Submission

The OPOC must submit member information in XLSX, XLS, or CSV format. Upon sign up, we will send you an import template. Required details for each member:

  • First Name
  • Last Name
  • Unique Email Address (personal or work)
  • Direct Phone Number (optional)
  • Work Address (Street, City, State, ZIP)
  • Work Title
  • SOMSA membership level

Account Setup

  • After a successful bulk import, we will send an email confirmation and password reset link to each member and CC the OPOC.
  • Members must respond to the password reset email to activate their accounts.

Coupon Codes Details

  • Membership Level Review: The OPOC should review applicable SOMSA membership types and notify SOMSA of the number of members at each level.
  • Coupon Issuance: SOMSA will issue membership-specific coupon codes per its membership database requirements.
  • Distribution Responsibility: The OPOC is responsible for distributing the appropriate coupon codes to eligible employees. Employees will then go through the join process and use the provided code on the payment screen.
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